17 Gifs que vão abranger seu conhecimento cientifico, em apenas alguns segundos
Todos os créditos para >>>> http://www.buzzfeed.com/kellyoakes/gifs-that-will-make-you-smarter
5.Como uma mola cai.
While the bottom of the slinky doesn’t move until the top reaches it, the centre of gravity of the object is falling all the time.
7. Qual a velocidade que estamos descobrindo planetas alienígenas.
NASA / nasa.gov
The gold bar represents planets verified using a new technique called multiplicity.
8. Como fazer um motor simples.
You need: a battery, a copper wire and a magnet. Place the battery on the magnet, then put the wire on top and watch it spin thanks to the interaction between the magnetic field from the magnet and the electric field from the battery."
12.Como esta espécie de cogumelo cresce e espalha seus esporos.
The “lacy skirt” might provide a ladder to help insects climb to the spore-bearing part of the fungus.
13. Propulsão.
14. O que o veneno de cobra faz com o sangue humano.
Via geek.com
Todos os créditos para >>>> http://www.buzzfeed.com/kellyoakes/gifs-that-will-make-you-smarter
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